Consider using the following tips if you want to improve patient satisfaction
1. Do Not Give a Gesture of Indifference
It irritates the patients enormously as they feel bad when they do not get listened with great attention. So, either you are a doctor or belong to management staff, if your job duty includes the direct interaction with the patients then it is too essential to always meet them with great courtesy so that they feel comfortable while talking to you.
Even if you are too busy, give them a bit of your time to satisfy them as the great quality of service does not matter as much as your kind gesture does. If they are concerned about their health or medical data security, talk to them.
2. Encourage Discussion with Patients

Being a health care professional, you definitely meet with a variety of patients on a daily basis. You may face problem while talking to some patients as they speak too less or feel shy while sharing their problem with you. If you meet with such patients, it is your duty to make them feel like their friend by sharing some information with them like asking about their hobbies or what the like to eat or where they live.
If something can make a bond between you and your patients like a mutual habit or same school or living area, your patient will feel a great bond with you, even talking about medical data security also counts if it resonates. It will help him in order to tell you about his disease in detail which will ultimately be going to help you in order to prescribe medication or to give other suggestions in this regard. Thus, you can satisfy your patients more easily.
3. Share Improvement Information Online

Using technology in the right direction helps immensely when it comes to talking about the patient’s satisfaction. Your hospital should use an online system to give the improvement report to the patients using medical data security systems and PACS using cloud based medical software. In this way, the patient will take more interest in his improvement process and will eagerly try his best to take meal and medicine on time so that his health can get improved quickly. To make such an online system more interesting. You can do the following:
- Consider using data in the form of graphics rather than in the form of numbers
- Use different graphics’ style.
- Make such a system that is more user-friendly so that patients take more interest in using it.
- Make it colorful enough to attract kids to use this system.

4. Use the Patient Rating System
This can be a fun game for you and the patients. Just like corporate sector uses such systems to pick “employee of the month” you can choose “patient of the week” on the basis of their performance if they take care of them as per your advice. Thus, your patients will feel more satisfied that their health care unit is taking great care of them and wants them to get well soon. You can include the rating system in the same app that was recommended to be made in this post earlier. Especially, if your patients are kids, you can encourage them to take prescribed meals instead of junk food to get a better rating in comparison with the other patients.