Thanks to the incredible advancement of technology, the number developers’ jobs are never going to go down, it’s always going to go up. No matter where you are located, you will have a job if you are a developer. Apple is one of the tech giants of the world and they’re always in need of developers for their remote iOS developer jobs. iOS developers earn on average 107K per year depending on their skills and experiences. If you want to be a remote developer for iOS, there are certain skills you should have that will be very crucial to land remote iOS developer jobs. We describe what those skills are in this article.
Xcode is one of, if not the most, widely used Integrated Development Environment for iOS app development. Xcode supports programming languages like C++, Java, Ruby, C, AppleScript, Swift, etc. Xcode is pretty easy to learn at a basic level if you learn from a trusted Xcode tutorial but it also has many deeper features that experienced users can use. It can take you years to fully master Xcode but you can get by with learning even most of it and not all of it.
Swift was developed by Apple and is the most favored programming language used for iOS app development. The better you know Swift, the moreremote iOS developer jobs as well as remote net developer jobs you can land. If you’re only starting to learn it, you should learn Syntax, Switch Statements, Inheritance, Classes, and Initialization, Objective-C Interoperability as soon as you can.
UI and UX Interfaces
UI and UX features are where the design of an app depends a lot. The functions of these two interfaces don’t vary much as UI forms the appearances of the app while UX forms the navigation and other things. The more mastery you have over these two features, the better looking your app will be.
Spatial Reasoning
Spatial reasoning is a reasoning skill where a person is able to think about objects in three-dimensional shapes and draw conclusions about them from limited information. This skill is very essential for a developer because an app is made for people and developers should know what the target audience will want from the app. We suggest you think logically and draw a conclusion of the need and wants of your audience.
Design and Apple Human Interface Guidelines
Ever think why Apple users are so drawn to their devices? It’s much about the design. When you’re a developer, you should discover your ability to develop such extraordinary apps but also adhere to Apple’s excellent design guidelines. You should also learn and keep working adhering with Apple’s human interface guidelines.
For starters, learning and mastering these skills will do but when you dive deep, you will have to learn a lot more and keep learning. Never forget that an iOS developer is not like any other app developer. You will have to play essential roles in every step of the development process.