There are a couple of essential factors that one must need to perform just before purchasing a road bike. Since it cost you time and money to get a bike, this is essential to be serious from the very beginning so it might help one get the most appropriate bike. This article will basically explain a few essentials factors that one should need to do whenever planning to buy a bike. Therefore keep reading to know more in details.
- When it’s time to purchase a bike, especially a road bike this is quite necessary to figure out the inseam which is considered as the most important task. Most of the time we often forget about measuring out inseam which later leads us to many issues just after purchasing the bike. Now the question is, how you can easily measure the inseam. You might think it’s a bit complicated but it’s not at all because here I make it easier for my readers. What you will actually need to perform is to stand with your 6 feet inches apart, and after that try measuring from the inside of the foot up to the pubic bone. And make sure one thing that you take all the measurements in centimeters as a vast majority of road bikes are normally measured in the exact same way as you did. Hope this is clear. If you still have any confusion regarding this matter you can take a look at the YouTube videos online which will clearly demonstrate how you can easily measure your inseam.
- So as soon as you are done with measuring your inseam, now it’s the most appropriate time to estimate seat tube length. So the question is how you can easily estimate the length of the seat tube or what could be the most perfect way of doing this work? Well, different people will show you different ways which are quite natural but in this article, I will show you something exceptional which you will never find anywhere. What you will mainly need to perform in order to estimate the length of the seat tube is to multiply 0.67 by the inseam measurement you have calculated just now. Therefore if you find that your inseam is actually 85 centimeters, then the seat tube ought to be 57 or 56.95 centimeters long. Hope this is clear. Basically, the process is pretty simple just you need to perform this little calculation.
- Are you able to stand very comfortably with the top tube between the legs? Because your comfort is the most vital factor that needs to be taken into your account. Also, try asking yourself the following questions –
- Are you able to hit the inevitable red light?
- Are you able to stand up with the feet on the ground while waiting?
Try straddling the mountain bike and ensure that you are able to stand with both feet quite firmly on your floor.
It doesn’t really matter what kind of bike you are going to purchase from bike store, whether it’s mountain or trek road bikes Australia, you just need to follow the exact same thing. Thanks for reading!