In small amounts, tomato sauce isn’t hazardous for most dogs. But regularly allowing dogs tomato sauces could put them at risk of stomach issues.
Can dogs eat tomato sauce or ketchup? Here’s what pet owners need to know about the risks of what sauce can i add to dog food containing tomatoes.
Tomatoes can be dangerous for dogs depending on the amount and form consumed.
While an occasional cherry tomato as a treat is probably fine, dogs should avoid large quantities of tomato sauce, paste, ketchup, and other tomato-based products. Here’s why.
Tomatoes contain solanine, a natural pesticide produced by the nightshade family of plants.
In ripe tomatoes consumed by humans, solanine levels are very low. But in unripe tomatoes and tomato leaves/stems, concentrations are higher and potentially toxic, especially to dogs.
Some tomato sauces and salsas also contain onions and/or garlic, both of which are toxic to dogs in large amounts.
So homemade varieties are generally riskier than commercial brands formulated to be dog-safe.
What Happens if Your Dog Licks Ketchup or Tomato Sauce?
Dogs have licked ketchup and sauce for decades and have been just fine. But vets caution that regular, large exposures could cause problems.
Here are the potential risks:
- Stomach upset – Excessive tomato sauce may irritate a dog’s digestive tract, causing vomiting, diarrhea, gas, or abdominal pain.
- Pancreatitis – High-fat foods like tomato sauce can trigger this painful inflammation of the pancreas.
- Bladder stones – Tomato products are high in oxalates which may contribute to calcium oxalate bladder stones in prone dogs.
- Allergic reaction – Some dogs are allergic to tomatoes and react with itchy skin, upset stomach, or other symptoms.
- Toxicity – While very high doses would likely be needed, solanine poisoning can cause weakness, dilated pupils, abnormal heart rate, confusion, or collapse.

How Much Tomato Sauce is Dangerous?
There’s no established toxic threshold, and risk depends on the dog’s size and solanine content. But veterinarians generally recommend:
- Occasional small tastes or licks of sauce are probably fine.
- Consumption of up to 1/4 cup tomato sauce is unlikely to be an issue for most average dogs.
- Over 1/2 cup starts entering the range of concern, where symptoms could occur.
- Large ingestions like an entire jar of salsa could be truly problematic and require prompt vet care.
Tips to Keep Your Dog Safe
When using tomato-based products in recipes or meals:
- Choose commercial brands marketed as pet-safe when possible.
- Avoid adding garlic, onions, chives, or large amounts of oil/fat.
- Limit total sauce quantity to a few tablespoons.
- Opt for ripe tomatoes over unripe ones.
- Prevent access to countertop ingredients.
- Contact your vet if symptoms occur after exposure.
While an occasional lick generally won’t harm your dog, avoid making sauce-laden foods a regular part of your pup’s diet.
By understanding tomato risks and taking precautions, pet owners can safely indulge their dog’s pizza crust thievery once in a while!